
The Corydoras

20th May 2023

The Corydoras

A Beginner's Guide to Corydoras: The Perfect Bottom Dwellers

G'day, aquarium enthusiasts! Today, we're discussing a beloved little fish that often scuttles along the bottom of our tanks - the Corydoras. Whether you're new to the hobby or a seasoned aquarist, Corydoras are a delightful addition to almost any freshwater setup.

Creating a Cozy Corydoras Environment:

Corydoras, or Corys as they're often affectionately called, are social creatures and should be kept in groups of at least six. They're small but appreciate some space, so starting with a 75-litre tank is a good idea.

Corydoras spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank, so pay special attention to the substrate. Choose fine sand or smooth gravel to prevent damage to their delicate barbels. Add hiding spots with rocks, caves, or driftwood and include live plants like Java Fern or Anubias to mimic their natural habitat.

Essential Water Parameters:

Corydoras are tropical freshwater fish and enjoy a specific set of water conditions. Here are the parameters to aim for:

  • Temperature: Keep your Corydoras comfy with a temperature range of 22-28 degrees Celsius but it depends on the species.  
  • pH: They can handle a broad pH range but aim for a pH between 6.0 and 8.0 for optimal health.
  • Hardness: Moderate water hardness, with a general hardness (GH) between 4-12 dGH, is ideal.

As always, maintain regular water testing to ensure these parameters are stable for the health of your Corydoras.

Feeding Your Corydoras:

Corydoras are omnivorous scavengers and will help clean up any uneaten food in your tank. While they do appreciate this 'clean-up' role, they also require their own balanced diet. High-quality sinking pellets or wafers should be a staple in their diet, supplemented with occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp. We recommend the Ultra Fresh Tropical Shrimp Pie.

The Best Tank Mates:

Corydoras are peaceful by nature, making them excellent community fish. Suitable tank mates include small, peaceful fish such as Tetras, Guppies, Mollies, and peaceful Dwarf Cichlids like Apistogrammas. Avoid large, aggressive fish that may see your Corydoras as a snack.

Corydoras Breeding Basics:

While breeding Corydoras in a home aquarium can be challenging, it's not impossible. It usually requires specific water parameters and a well-maintained, peaceful environment. If you are lucky enough to see your Corydoras spawn, you will be treated to a fascinating process as they lay eggs around the tank, which they will guard until they hatch.

In summary, Corydoras are a fantastic choice for beginners due to their hardy nature, peaceful demeanor, and beneficial scavenging habits. They add a lot of movement and interest to the lower levels of your tank and are just a joy to keep. Dive in, and enjoy your journey with Corydoras, mates!